
Event handlers

Training Callbacks

Callbacks that add functionlities during the training phase, including Callbacks that make decisions depending how a monitored metric/loss behaves



 ShortEpochCallback (pct=0.01, short_valid=True)

Fit just pct of an epoch, then stop



 GradientAccumulation (n_acc=32)

Accumulate gradients before updating weights



 EarlyStoppingCallback (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                        patience=1, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that terminates training when monitored quantity stops improving.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
patience int 1 number of epochs to wait when training has not improved model.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).



 SaveModelCallback (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                    fname='model', every_epoch=False, at_end=False,
                    with_opt=False, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that saves the model’s best during training and loads it at the end.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
fname str model model name to be used when saving model.
every_epoch bool False if true, save model after every epoch; else save only when model is better than existing best.
at_end bool False if true, save model when training ends; else load best model if there is only one saved model.
with_opt bool False if true, save optimizer state (if any available) when saving model.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).



 ReduceLROnPlateau (monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0.0,
                    patience=1, factor=10.0, min_lr=0, reset_on_fit=True)

A TrackerCallback that reduces learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.

Type Default Details
monitor str valid_loss value (usually loss or metric) being monitored.
comp NoneType None numpy comparison operator; np.less if monitor is loss, np.greater if monitor is metric.
min_delta float 0.0 minimum delta between the last monitor value and the best monitor value.
patience int 1 number of epochs to wait when training has not improved model.
factor float 10.0 the denominator to divide the learning rate by, when reducing the learning rate.
min_lr int 0 the minimum learning rate allowed; learning rate cannot be reduced below this minimum.
reset_on_fit bool True before model fitting, reset value being monitored to -infinity (if monitor is metric) or +infinity (if monitor is loss).


Callback and helper functions to schedule hyper-parameters



 ParamScheduler (scheds)

Schedule hyper-parameters according to scheds

scheds is a dictionary with one key for each hyper-parameter you want to schedule, with either a scheduler or a list of schedulers as values (in the second case, the list must have the same length as the the number of parameters groups of the optimizer).



 SchedCos (start, end)

Cosine schedule function from start to end



 SchedExp (start, end)

Exponential schedule function from start to end



 SchedLin (start, end)

Linear schedule function from start to end



 SchedNo (start, end)

Constant schedule function with start value